Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
1) 2D Graphics GUI
2) 3D Graphics
3) Advanced Graphics
4) Ant
5) Apache Common
6) Applet
7) Awt
8) Beginners Lab
9) Chart
10) Class
11) Collections Data Structure
12) Core
13) Data Type
14) Database SQL JDBC
15) Date Time
16) Design Pattern
17) Development Class
18) EJB3
19) Email
20) Event
21) File Input Output
22) Game
23) Generics
24) GWT
25) Hibernate
26) Internationalization
27) J2EE
28) J2ME
29) JDBC
30) JDK
32) JPA
33) JSP
34) JSTL
35) Language Basics
36) Learning
37) Mathematics
38) Network Protocol
40) Reflection
41) Regular Expressions
42) Scripting
43) Security
44) Servlets
45) Session
46) Sound
47) Spring
48) Swing Components
49) Swing JFC
50) SWT Jface Eclipse
51) Threads
52) Tiny Application
53) Util
54) Velocity
55) Web Services SOA
56) XML
3D Graphics
1) 3D Math utilities
2) A basic hierarchical model of the top part of a human torso
3) A large hollow box
4) A Morph object to animate a shape between two key shapes
5) A range of Interpolators and switches between
6) A red sphere using the Sphere utility class
7) A simple class using the an indexed quadrilateral array
8) A simple shooting game
9) A Switch Node and conditionally displays some of the child Nodes
10) A switch node to swap between two shapes
11) A Universe with 3 Locales
12) Allows the various Java 3D Appearance components to
13) AmbientLight, DirectionalLight, PointLight and SpotLight
14) An Object
15) Animation and Interaction - a Bouncing Ball
16) Appearance Bounds
17) Appearance Explorer
18) Appearance Is Everything
19) Appearance Mixed
20) Appearance Scope
21) AWT Interaction
22) Axis App
23) Axis class
24) Background Geometry
25) Basic Construct
26) Basic steps needed to display 3D objects
27) Capability information from a SceneGraph Object
28) Cg viewer
29) Class Drag
30) Color Yoyo
31) Cone Yoyo
32) Create geometry to display the texture image mapped onto a triangulated polygon
33) Creates 1000 same-sized cubes and compiles the scene
34) Creates a cone using the utility class Cone
35) Creates a scene which plots a custom Alpha function
36) Creates a scene with a different scale
37) Creates a simple rotating scene that includes two text billboards
38) Creates an ambient light and a one directional light
39) Creates five sample behaviors and applies them to an object in a scene
40) Creating a geometric background in a Java 3D
41) Demonstrate the use of the mouse utility classes
42) Demonstrate the use of the Universe builder for
43) Displays a simple driving type game scene, using texture mapped cubes
44) Door App
45) Draws a simple plot of a parameterized Java 3D Alpha Function to an AWT
46) Environment Explorer
47) ExAmbientLight - illustrate use of ambient lights
48) Example Appearance
49) Example Switch
50) ExBackgroundColor - illustrate use of colored Backgrounds
51) ExBackgroundImage - illustrate use of background images
52) ExBluePrint - illustrate use of background images
53) ExClip - illustrate use of linear fog with a clip node
54) ExDepthCue - illustrate use of exponential fog for depth-cueing
55) ExDirectionalLight - illustrate use of directional lights
56) ExExponentialFog - illustrate use of exponential fog
57) ExHenge - create a stone-henge like (vaguely) mysterious temple thing
58) ExLightScope - illustrate use of light scope groups
59) ExLinearFog - illustrate use of linear fog
60) ExPointLight - illustrate use of point lights
61) ExRaster - illustrate use of rasters
62) ExSound - illustrate the use of sounds
63) ExSpotLight - illustrate use of spot lights
64) ExText - illustrate use of 3D text
65) ExTexture - illustrate use of textures
66) ExTransform -- illustrate use of transforms
67) Frames per second counter
68) Game
69) Gear Test
70) Geometry By Reference
71) Geometry By Reference NIO
72) Getting Started with the Java 3D API written in Java 3D
73) Gouraud
74) Hello Universe 1
75) HelloJava3Da renders a single, rotating cube
76) HelloJava3Db renders a single, rotated cube
77) HelloJava3Dbalt renders a single, rotated cube
78) HelloJava3Dc renders a single, rotating cube
79) Human Animation
80) Illustrate some of the features of the SimpleUniverse class
81) Illustrate use of light influencing bounds, and bounding leaves
82) Illustrates dynamic texture coordinate generation using the TexCoordGeneration class
83) Illustrates how a texture image can be dynamically rotated at runtime
84) Illustrates how to display a ball lit by a red light
85) Illustrates rendering Java 3D points in a variety of styles
86) Image Component By Reference
87) Immediate mode rendering
88) Improved mouse behaviors
89) Interleaved NIO Buffer
90) Interleaved Test
91) Intersect Test
92) Investigate the Bounds objects for a Java 3D scenegraph
93) It creates a Virtual Universe and a Locale and attaches to the Locale
94) Java 3D and the User Interface
95) Java 3D and VRML Package Tree Printer
96) Java 3D Box and a custom Cuboid implementation
97) Java 3D Frame
98) Java 3Ds built in object loader to load a Lightwave file
99) KeyNavigatorApp renders a simple landscape
100) Light Bug
101) Light Demo
102) Light Viewer
103) Lighting Plane
104) LightScopeApp creates a scene that is paritally light
105) Line Types
106) Loading a VRML file
107) Locale demo
108) LocalEyeApp creates a single plane with texture mapping
109) MainFrame and SimpleUniverse
110) Mix rendering in immediate and retained mode to produce
111) Model Clip
112) Model Clip Test
113) Morphing
114) MouseBehaviorApp renders a single, interactively rotatable,translatable, and zoomable ColorCube object
115) MouseNavigatorApp renders a single, interactively rotatable, traslatable, and zoomable ColorCube object
116) MousePickApp renders two interactively rotatable cubes
117) MouseRotate2App renders a single, interactively rotatable cube
118) MouseRotateApp renders a single, interactively rotatable cube
119) Multi Texture
120) Navigation around the scene
121) Object File Loader
122) Object Loader 3
123) Object Loader Example
124) Off Screen Test
125) Oriented Pt Test
126) Oriented Test
127) Package Info
128) PickCallbackApp renders two interactively rotatable cubes
129) Picking utilities on various GeometryArray subclasses and Morph object
130) PickWorld creates spheres, cylinders, and cones of different resolutions
131) PolygonOffset
132) Positioning the Objects
133) Print Canvas3D
134) PrintFromButton tests renderOffScreenBuffer from a button
135) Pure Immediate
136) Pyramid 2 Cube
137) Query Properties
138) Raster demo
139) Red Green Girl
140) Red Green Griffin
141) Render a single, Text2D object
142) Render a view of the depth components as a dynamic raster
143) Renders a 3D shape using a 3D rendering engine that was written from scratch
144) Renders a Java 3D 3D Text objects with a custom extrusion
145) Renders a PointArray in Immediate Mode and outputs the FPS
146) Renders Java 3D 2D Text objects in a variety of styles
147) Rotate when any key is pressed
148) Scenegraph that illustrates many of the Java 3D scenegraph Nodes
149) ShadowApp creates a single plane
150) Shape
151) Simple 3D Demo
152) Simple DOOM style navigation of a 3D scene using Java 3D
153) Simple Indexed Quad
154) Simple Indexed Quad Normals
155) Simple Rotation
156) Simple Universe
157) Sound Test
158) Sphere Motion
159) Sphere Sample
160) Spheres, cylinders, and cones of different resolutions and colors
161) Spline Animation
162) Spot Light
163) Stereo Cube
164) Stereo Girl
165) Swing and 3D
166) Swing based application displaying a Cube and a Sphere
167) Teapot
168) Test frame class for the dealing with J3D experimentation that uses Swing
169) TexCoordGeneration class to automatically define the texture coordinates
170) Text 2D Test
171) Text 3D Geometry
172) Text 3D Load
173) Text2D Exployer
174) Text3D Bounds
175) Text3DApp renders a single, rotating Text3D Object
176) Texture
177) Texture By Reference
178) Texture Image
179) Texture Mapping
180) The scene is of nine spheres and one light source
181) The simple application of textures
182) The use of the CollisionDetector
183) The use of the GeometryInfo class and related classes
184) The use of two collision detectors to overcome the
185) This application demonstrates the use of 3D sound
186) This application demonstrates the use of a billboard node
187) This builds a red sphere using the Sphere utility class and adds lights
188) This builds up a simple scene from primitives
189) This creates a rotation interpolator and applies it to a shape
190) This creates a simple cylinder by using the Cylinder utility class
191) This example creates a 3D fly-over of the city of Boston
192) This is our first simple program that creates a cube
193) This program demonstrates the absence of automatic shadowing in Java 3D
194) This program uses AWT buttons to allow the user to rotate an object
195) This uses the Box utility class to build a simple cube
196) This uses the class SimpleMorphBehaviour to animate
197) Three resolutions of a cylinder to demonstrate
198) Tick Tock Collision
199) Tick Tock Picking
200) Timer Test
201) Transform and light
202) Transform Explorer
203) Triangulate a planar surface
204) Twist Strip visual object
205) TwistStripApp demonstrates back face culling
206) Viewer
207) Yoyo Line